Friday, December 21, 2007

The key to winning poker is absolute concentration

Unfortunately I struggle with this at the moment. Whenever I go into autopilot I seem to take the one way street to spewville, that is unless I'm playing enough tables to prevent myself from having time to think about spewing - which can't be done on this laptop. I played 4 tables - 2 HU and 2 6max and ended the session down $470 after again performing badly in the 6max games. In the HU games I started quite badly against one regular at 200nl and was down 2 buyins at one point but I wont a key flip and was able to bring things back to roughly up 1 buyin. However against another guy I started well then lost concentration for a bit while focusing on the other game and eventually spewed away all my profits on the table and ended the session with a 1 buyin loss. I lost roughly 2 buyins overall in 6max due to general overaggressiveness and a lack of positional awareness. I think I really need to work on being selectively aggressive as opposed to the ricky-hatton-bull-in-a-china-shop approach.

Overally I pleased with the way my HU game is improving although I still have a lot of work to do to sort out my concentration and avoid distractions like MSN etc. My 6 max game is pretty terrible right now though and its fairly shocking that I can't beat 200nl... yet! As for the "challenge" part of things, my current BR is roughly $8700, obviously I'm not very happy about this but as long as I keep improving then I know the money will take care of itself.

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