Saturday, May 12, 2007

2 posts in 1 day = I'm trying to avoid revision

So I've got a headache due to lack of sleep and I don't feel very productive so I thought I would go over some of the hands from last nights session.

HU hands

This hand was the major mistake of the evening, I think that I played it fine until the turn call because I'm pretty sure he folds a lot but when he pushes he basically always has a flush since we are early on in the match and no history has been built up. I tried to convince myself that he could have something like KxQc and I had the odds to call basically this hand belongs at 25nl or worse. :(

Decent double barrell.

A not so good one.

Zomgrivered. I was hoping to C/R the turn since I thought it likely that he was floating me on the flop and would try to take the pot away on the turn.

Turning point in the match. Pretty standard really, he had done that small raise a couple of times to my 3bet cbets so I decided to call and see a turn card this time, and obviously I got lucky and he started to berate me - hello tilt. :D

The highlight of the evening. Truely brilliant. This hand is pretty meaningless on its own but basically over the course of the match he gave me absolutely no credit whatsoever and then started to tilt after the K9 hand so after flopping the stone cold nuts I decided to minraise his cbet (people on tilt hate minraises) to invite him to spew, thankfully he obliged.

Some 6max hands:


Absolutely no respect.

This river call looks good but actually its pretty easy IMO. Against a solid player OTBE this call is a lot harder to make but given the odds I'm getting I'm pretty confident that I see a busted draw enough of the time to make this profitable against a weak player.

Pretty standard.

HU tour against Badsastard
Semi standard HU hand, I often mix it up between checking or betting the turn there depending on if I think I can make more from charging draws on the turn or fake bluffing the river, unforunately I didn't get a call.

Pretty retarded call of the 4bet, I'm going to attribute this to playing too many tables but it really is spew. I don't know if he minraised to induce the 3bet so he could 4bet bluff or if he just had a strong hand but either way it worked and I threw away chips.

This was the key hand of the match. Colin had been 3betting me pretty liberally since he knows I open with garbage a lot on the button and given the stack sizes/blinds there isn't that much room for play post flop so I had to tighten up a bit and only call 3bets with hands that were playable in their own right - God I hate tournaments. Anyway so I raise with QQ and he 3bets me, IMO here calling with QQ is really the only option since 4betting or shoving is likely to restrict action to AK, JJ+ which I don't fare well against, by calling with position I hopefully extract a cbet from him on 90% of flops and I generally get more action from hands that I beat like AT or 88 on lowish flops. Obviously I open myself up to A/K high flops but I'm happy with that since this is HU and its unlikely that he hits those cards that much given that he is reraising a lot plus I have position. The flop comes low cards with draw potential and he checks which either means he is going for a C/R or he has high cards and knows I won't give him credit for a hand on this board, obviously I am willing to go broke here so I make a "weak attempt to win the pot since he showed weakness" and he calls. From this I know that he has high cards and he thinks that either he is ahead of a draw or that I am just full of crap or he has a weak draw that he doesnt want to get raised off. At this stage on the turn if I didnt have QQ I would happily get it allin with AJ+(so I am ahead of his A high hands on average) and any pair here because its obvious that he doesnt have a made hand. Logic: Any hand that c/c that draw heavy flop after 3betting is trying to maximize value by inducing bluffs (playing "from behind") or is a weak draw that doesnt want to comit to the hand, if he had a pair or Axd/97d etc he would play them aggressively on that flop, hell even with 88 or 66 I think he would cbet to try to induce a raise. Unfortunately Colin caught his king and stacked me and took me down pretty soon afterwards. :D

I just realised that I wrote for ages about that hand but oh well, I hope it is coherent.


Anonymous said...

Hehe - nice that I made it into your blog mate, maybe some respect from the Poker community finally ;).

Ist hand - I thought KJ was good here until the turn brings an A, which prevented me from putting any more chips in. Didn't raise the flop as I know you'll prob reraise and then I have to fold as I'm not going to put my tourney on the line w/ MP. I know even you get an A occasionally. Really hated having to lay that down on the river though although it turns out it was a good one although I see you were fibbing about having 77!

2nd hand: Min raise was an accident , you overanalyse mate,I didn't realise I'd done it until I saw the hand on here. Anyway, the rest of the hand is me getting super frisky w/ 22. I was a little bit concerned that you called the 4Bet but I really didn't have any choice but to continue to represent a big hand by going AI on the flop but I don't think you can call with too much there the way I played it.

3rd hand: It's been discussed and I obviously have to either bet/fold or check/fold as I'm not beating anything you call a 3bet with. Apologies for sucking out and thank you for being enough of a gent to not mention that I donked my way to victory against you in your blog.

Also the compliment about me giving you more problems than the average 2/5 HU player is very sweet but surely not true. If it is it's because I've watched the vids too many times and had some good coaching.

Cheers mate - looking forward to the next one - Badsastard (spoonerism)

Shads said...

GF with KJ, hand 2 you completely owned me, sucking out is my favourite past-time. :D

Honestly you would be suprised at how bad some of the guys I play against are. For instance one guy has a massive tell where he just overbets every bluff and bets 2/3 with every real hand. Also in some respects "giving more problems" and being a stonger player are not the always same - especially in HU. That said, even though we have only played tournaments which are a bit different, you really do cause me more problems than some of the guys I play.

Anyway GG mate, we'll have the next one soon hopefully.