Saturday, May 12, 2007

Rusty Rusty Rusty

I gave myself the evening off today and so after relaxing until about 9 I decided to play some poker. The tables looked pretty juicy, especially the HU ones since two fishy regs were playing each other at 4 of the 5 tables, so I sat down and eventually got a game against a guy I had seen at the 6max tables but not HU. Unfortunately things started badly and I ended up spewing a buyin a buyin early on as well as spewing in my 6max games. Well it wasn't horrible spew as such but it was one of those plays where deep down your gut tells you its wrong and with more discipline I wouldn't have done it but since I hadn't played for a while I was in a gambling mood :(. I started to play a little better as time went on although still underpar, I think the main problem was discipline. I also played Colin aka Badsastard (spoonerism!) HU and he beat me, its pretty funny how he probably gives me more problems than some of the "regulars" I've played in HU cash but I guess it helps when he knows to give me no credit.

I actually recorded my session today with partial commentary and it includes about 5mins of the match against colin, at the moment I'm undecided whether to upload it or not because as I said I didnt really play very well but at the same time I guess it would show some of the more "standard" HU plays. I'll decide tomorrow anyway since it is now 1am and I have had 10hours sleep in the last 2 days thanks to a smoke alarm this morning.

PS: 1 more exam to go :D
PPS: the exam today went crap :(

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