Thursday, May 31, 2007

Current and predicted failure

This afternoon I was thinking if I should either play poker or just play Wii and darts with my housemates, I chose the latter but half way through the first game of bowling I quickly realised that I had completely ballsed up my "challenge". At the restart of this blog I was aiming to spend a month trying to play on average 4 hours a day of poker for 5 days a week, it sounds really easy in theory but basically aside from the first day or 2 I just havent been doing it. The main reasons are 1) that I hit a mini downswing which knocked my motivation a bit, 2) the tables at midday are a lot tougher than the evening, 3) I'm too lazy. I must admit that in some ways I'm pretty dissappointed in myself for not sticking to something that I couldn't wait to get stuck into during my exams. At this stage I'm not sure whether to just forget about it and continue to relax and enjoy myself or to make a renewed effort to play some structured poker but perhaps try something a little more achievable. I'll decide soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gl with whatever you do. I know how much i want to be playing now that i've got exams to revise for too.I can't wait till they are over i think i will play so much live and online. I can't wait